Electronic Recycling

On May 7, 2024, Reworld™ and Goodwill Keystone Area Introduced Free Electronic Waste Recycling in 22 Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania Counties!

What electronics can residents bring?

The following are lists of electronics that will be accepted at the participating Goodwill Keystone Area locations.

○ Computing and Peripheral Devices

■ Computers

■ Monitors

■ Peripheral Devices (keyboards, mice, printers,

printer/scanner/copier all-in-one devices, networking equipment)

○ Entertainment Electronics

■ Video Players (VCR/DVD/Blu-ray players)

■ Gaming Systems

■ Audio Devices (stereos, radios, MP3 players)

○ Communication Devices

■ Telephones

■ Mobile Devices

○ Visual and Imaging Equipment

■ Cameras (cameras, video cameras)

■ Televisions

■ Cable or Set-Top Boxes

○ Small Appliances

■ Toasters

■ Vacuum Cleaners

○ Miscellaneous Electronics/Items

■ Cables

■ Electronic Wiring

■ Answering Machines

For more information:

Reworld Electronic Waste Recycling Partnership - Goodwill Keystone Area (yourgoodwill.org)